Thursday, February 2, 2012

Birthday Crown and Cake Pops!

Hello again, blogger friends!  Please join in me in wishing my little boy a HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY!!  When he wakes up tomorrow, I have a crown that I scrapped today ready for him to wear all day.  I picked up two from Burger King and then personalized them.  I used my Cameo and I got it done in like 15 minutes - it was great!  Here, take a look...

Tonight the kids and I made our first ever Cake Pops!  I bought a Cake Pop maker about two weeks ago and have been waiting to try it out.  I used cake mix and let the kids stir it all up.  Then I filled the openings with the mix, closed the lid and in 8 minutes the first batch of 7 were done.  As they cooled, I inserted the sticks (which I dipped in frosting first to make them stick) and when they cooled completely, we dipped them and added sprinkles.  So they are ready to share tomorrow after the big "Happy Birthday"!  Now I will virtually share them with you...

The birthday celebration begins in the morning and continues through the weekend!
I hope you've enjoyed today's post, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great job on the crown and the cake pops, Leinad! And a very happy birthday to your boy! :) ~Jen

  2. I love cake pops for parties. I never heard of a cake pop machine. It would save so much time. Where did you get it?

  3. Thanks Jen! Jan, I got my machine at Publix, but you could just as easily find it online. Even Kohl's sells it! I love mine!

    1. Thanks so much! I'll look for one. Also I'm a huge fan. I love your layouts. My grandaughter's scrapbook looks very creative because of you. I don't usually have the same paper but I try and use the same colour scheme.
