Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Album Covers, School Layout & Big Project Tackled!

Hello everyone!  It seems that the weeks continue to fly by and I keep running out of time.  Sorry if my posts aren't very consistent, lately, but I'm sure glad some of you keep stopping by!

Although I didn't get to crop much this weekend, I did tackle a project that has been on my to do list for quite some time now.  I have over 150 pages/layouts in a huge pile in my closet that didn't have a "home".   So after figuring out how I wanted to sort them (some by theme like holidays or some vacations, each of my kids have their own [multiple volumes, I may add, LOL!], the rest chronological), I began sorting them by albums (I have quite a few going at the same time), I finally sat down to put them in different albums.  I wanted to start a school album for my son but I couldn't seem to find one I like.  So instead, I decided to personalize the album cover to match the theme.  With some ribbon, cute school lined paper scrap, EK punch, my Cameo and a couple stickers, this is what I came up with...

Isn't it adorable?!  I filled it with all the school pages I've made for him since PreK 3 till now in Kindergarten.  I also created this layout from his recent "Sea Star of the Week" moment with the words he wrote that were put on the bulletin board.  His very sweet teacher took a picture of him in class in front of the bulletin board and sent it to me (she knows me so well!) so I could scrapbook it.  I also used pattern paper for the title to go with the theme.  Here is the layout...

Finally, I want to show you the final product of many hours of labor on this task...

And this is what I have left (I just ran out of page protectors)...

Or so I thought :(  After taking the pics and putting the albums on the shelves, I went to one of my carts and found a box that I had labeled "Completed Layouts" which was completely FULL.  So although I tackled my huge, overflowing pile from the closet, I now have another box of layouts to find homes for.  Luckily, I did sort them already, I just now have to get even more page protectors!!  
But I do feel quite accomplished, I must say.  

So I'm wondering, has anyone out there been in the same situation?  I'd love to know that I'm not alone!
Also, I'm curious, how do you organize your scrapbooks?  
Please leave me a comment, I'd love to know!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've been a busy girl, Leinad! I can see why you feel accomplished-GREAT JOB!! You are way more ahead than me, but seeing you get organized is inspiring to me. :) ~Jen
