Sunday, November 6, 2011

Preschool Layout - Boy

Hello everyone!  I'm here to show you a layout I created of my son in PreK-4 last year.  In creating the layout, I had some of his preschool memorabilia that I wanted to include on the layout, including his "symbol" that he had for the past 2 years in that class and his name tag from his desk.  As I was putting together the layout, it needed something and my friend Elizabeth had just the thing, the most adorable school brads (just the cutest little things I've ever seen).  So I used it as the way to write my journaling and I added a ripped from the notebook feel by punching along the edge.  Finally, I popped the picture of him in the cute cowboy had holding a bunny.  Here's the finished product...

Here's a close up of the super cute brads journaling block...

Aren't they the cutest!  
Well, my good friend gave me another set to be able to use on my daughter's page (thanks Elizabeth, you're so sweet!) and tomorrow you can check out the way I used them on her page.  So be sure to stop by again, then!  Have a great start to your week everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!

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