Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Treats - Boo Pencils

Hello everyone - Happy Halloween!  Tonight, my kiddos and I put together the treats to send to their classes tomorrow.  My son this year is in Kindergarten and there's many more students in his class than there were last year in his PreK class, so I had to go more cost effective, which is why I decided to send in pencils (either way, I know that they will be getting plenty of candy, so I wanted something else).

My very creative son thought up the idea of putting a googlie eye on the pencil (like it's looking at you), which I thought was so cute.  Totally on his own, he found the googlie eyes, found the glue dots (I just love that he knew the perfect adhesive to use and where to find it, lol!) and got to work.  After, I wanted to put a little something more on the pencil, especially to add in a message and his name.  So we thought of a ghost and I found the perfect one on Mini Monsters.  I punched a whole in one of the eyes and put the pencil through it all the way to where the googlie eye was.  I just love the way they turned out!

Now my sister gave me a great idea as to how to take them to school.  I created a little graveyard scene in a tin box with foam inside to stick the pencils inside so they would stay.  I of course had to decorate that with my cricut!  Again, I used Mini Monsters and I also used Stamped for the "happy".  Take a look at this....

For Sofi, I had found these cute little stamps and bubbles, which she placed in the little pumpkin containers for each of her friends.  I then made little tags to add to them and my sister added some tissue paper and ribbon.  They are all set for her to hand out tomorrow.

I'm entering these in the following challenges:
Fantabulous Cricut - Spooky (how appropriate for my pencils!)
Passionately Artistic Linking Party
More than Favors - Anything Goes

I hope all of you have a 
Happy Halloween!
I'll be sure to post some pics of our costumes tomorrow!
Till next time, thanks for stopping by!


  1. What great Halloween goodies! Thanks for creating with us at FCCB this week :)

  2. What a clever little guy you have. These are wonderful treats! All little goblins love pencils. Thanks for sharing at FCCB.

  3. Those treats are super cute!! I bet the kids loved them!! Thanks for Playing with us @ FCCB!!
    TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @
